Empowering the Filipino-Australian Community: El Pinoy Care Services' Interview on Sandigan Radio
Last month Maria De La Cruz, Founder of El Pinoy Care Services caught up with Marilie Bomediano with Serna Ladia of Sandigan Radio, a radio program centred on promoting and bringing awareness to the Filipino-Australian community. The interview briefly touches on what services the new Filipino NDIS care provider can offer to serve the wider community. Listen to the full interview or follow the transcript further down below.
Marilie: We are in the jurisdiction of the Inner West right now, we are in the Burwood area, here in Croydon and we are with our fellow Filipino Australian who is helping our seniors and also the locals of the area, let me introduce to you the owner of El Pinoy Care Services. Her name is Maria Montenegro Dela Cruz who's helping our community.
Maria: Hello Marilie thank you very much for inviting me here on your radio station.
Marilie: It would be good to know how we can help our community, even more so our seniors who have an NDIS provider, can you please explain what is the meaning of NDIS?
Maria: NDIS is a National Disability Insurance Scheme, an approved provider that provides essential and quality home support services to people with a disability, elderly families or their carer. NDIS is funded by the Australian government
Marilie: So does that mean, If seniors are qualified for the NDIS, They may be eligible for services such as cleaning? or shopping?
Maria: We can provide personal care like grooming, showering going to the toilet or getting out of bed and we also provide domestic assistance like help with household chores, with nursing, we assist in medication with meals, we can help you prepare your food. We also do Allied Health or Therapies, if you need a podiatrist, occupational therapist, physiotherapies. We can also do 24-hour care round the clock which includes sleepovers, home maintenance, help with your garden, home modification to improve safety, installing ramps on railings and at the same time we can provide community support which means that we can arrange community transport or vouchers to attend appointments or shopping.
Marilie: You mentioned homestay or the option for sleepovers, our community would like to know do you employ Filipino workers?
Maria: Yeh, actually our support workers are Filipino and if you really need 24-hour care, we can do that because sometimes if our client is sick and no relatives can look after them we can provide that 24-hour service.
Marilie: That's good, cos when someone has Alzheimer's or dementia they go back to their own language, and then they want their own food.
Maria: That's true
Marilie: They can cook for them too?
Maria: yes, yes, whatever services that you want us to do, we can provide that.
Marilie: Ok, can we get your website and phone number?
Maria: You can call us on 0433 350 806 our website is www.elpinoycare.com or you can send an email through contact@elpinoycareservices.com
Marilie: Many thanks and bless you all
Maria: Thank you! and thank you Marilie for inviting me again here, bless you.
Marilie: More empowerment to our community in taking care of our seniors especially coping after this pandemic challenge. Many thanks again.